5 Year Old South Georgia Giant Buck 😱 🦌

Hunting with your eyes closed: The early morning adventure begins! As the sun finally peeked through, we were looking for some hogs that have been on our SPYPOINT cameras. What was a potential hog hunt turned into the largest buck we’ve ever seen on our hunting lease walking out locked down with a group of does. Kevin spotted this absolute stud and was able to make the shot while cramping up in both legs! Welcome to South Georgia’s prime hunting week!

WAITING 3 Years For This Shot 🏹

Started off the trip with our strings off the cams but no worries, we got some very talented friends that corrected our bows before heading out to hunt. After a Lethal spray down, our stink it is gone…it’s time to hit the tree stand. Kevin is glassin’ a big ole 10 that he had a shot at 3 years ago. Fingers crossed he comes across Kev’s path again! P.S. Is there anyone out there that seriously eats their pancake from the inside out?!


We got the band back together! Folks fly in from everywhere to hunt North Texas Muleys. And it truly is a brotherhood in the hunting camp. We glassed this monster buck the day before the rifle opener and planned to set up for a shot! It happens fast in Texas, and you need to be quick on the draw!


We bagged a 10-pointer after waiting all day with doe after doe walking past our blind. We knew this big boy was around and saw him on the camera last year but we were surprised to see him here! Our hamstrings were burning, just waiting around and trying to remain stable to get a clear shot off. Comment below about a hunting experience you had where you were trapped in an awkward position!


We are having a great time hunting in South Georgia when and old mature buck shows up that we know well. He finally slips out of the tree line for a clear shot. You can’t beat hunting the early rut in Georgia!


Back in the heart of Texas, Cheltse Quinn has herself an unforgettable deer hunt. Shoutout to Hawks Double Mountain Ranch. On this great hunt, witness the anticipation and excitement as Cheltse encounters a stud 12-point double drop tine buck. Makes an amazing shot, and this trip one for the history books.


Kevin’s second chance pays off on an old Texas buck! After seeing this buck he was sure that the buck was old enough, but wasn’t going to make a mistake on the ranch so he needed to see from the guide’s what they thought.


Michael Lee is in Texas hunting with the guys from 1776 Ammo when he encounters one of the spookiest old bucks he’s ever seen in over 30 years of hunting!

1,000 YARDS WITH 1776 AMMO

Michael Lee and Kevin Knighton are in Texas hunting with the 1776 Ammo crew and they take some time to stretch out the ammo to 1,000 yards!


Have you ever seen this much blood from one buck? Count the points, and leave a comment below…how many do you count?