We’re in South Georgia facing hot days and dry conditions. It’s not our first rodeo as we’ve been here before hunting in the South. We’ve got our food plots done and our feeders are ready and we’re able to have some prime bucks coming in. Michael and Kevin are having a rough start and bad luck seems to be the theme. Fred Branch is kicking off the season and has a stud buck come in.


We’re in Georgia at the start of the archery season. Fred Branch has a nice buck still in velvet come in for a shot but isn’t 100% sure on the shot angle. Calling in a tracking dog is one of the best ideas for the thick swamps of Georgia. Beth Lee is hunting on the Lee farm for a big mature buck she’s been after all season. And Mike Lee Sr. has a stud buck come in just before daylight runs out.


Join the juniors scattered across the South as they lock & load for their first kills. Hunting is a family tradition here at Backwoods Life. Our parents learned from their parents and have passed down the practice from generation to generation. Now it is up to us to mentor the youth as they take the reigns and bag their first very own bucks & gobblers.


Kevin & Michael are in Wisconsin bow hunting with Major League Bucks. Thankfully, we get second chances in life. So sit tight and keep your fingers crossed that we hit what we aim for.


Kevin & Michael are in Wisconsin bow hunting with Major League Bucks. Thankfully, we get second chances in life. So sit tight and keep your fingers crossed that we hit what we aim for.


WISCONSIN BOW BEAST: The wind here in Wisconsin nearly pulled the blind right out of the ground! We hit the woods during the work week to go bow hunting. This will be a challenge but we’re up for it. Rick Henderson crosses paths with a real wide racked whitetail and tries to make a perfect shot. Hopefully he can get it done. Leave a comment below on your top attractant.


Join Jordan Brake and Darin Melvin as Darin is after his first mule deer. They spot one on the way into the blind to set up for the perfect shot. But things get a little more complicated when they discover wasps in the blind with them! Not one, but TWO big old bucks come out to feed. When the moment is right, they finally take aim.


October in Wisconsin can be tough for bowhunters with crazy weather. On this hunt the wind was howling like a pack of coyotes, and the rain was coming down in sheets. But that didn’t stop me and my buddies, Rick, and Kevin, from heading out to our favorite stands in the backwoods of Wisconsin.

5 Year Old South Georgia Giant Buck 😱 🦌

Hunting with your eyes closed: The early morning adventure begins! As the sun finally peeked through, we were looking for some hogs that have been on our SPYPOINT cameras. What was a potential hog hunt turned into the largest buck we’ve ever seen on our hunting lease walking out locked down with a group of does. Kevin spotted this absolute stud and was able to make the shot while cramping up in both legs! Welcome to South Georgia’s prime hunting week!

WAITING 3 Years For This Shot 🏹

Started off the trip with our strings off the cams but no worries, we got some very talented friends that corrected our bows before heading out to hunt. After a Lethal spray down, our stink it is gone…it’s time to hit the tree stand. Kevin is glassin’ a big ole 10 that he had a shot at 3 years ago. Fingers crossed he comes across Kev’s path again! P.S. Is there anyone out there that seriously eats their pancake from the inside out?!